École Tantallon Senior Elementary

Christmas Concerts

Tantallon students are so excited to be presenting their musical talents on Dec 11th and Dec 12th. Concert times are 10:30am and 6:30 pm. Doors open in the morning at 10:00 am and 6:00pm in the evening. Students who are presenting are asked to stay with their parents until 6:15pm. At this time, they may proceed to their classrooms. The concerts are only 50 minutes long so we would ask all parents to stay seated for the entire performance. At its conclusion, we would ask you to go to your child's classroom to pick them up. No tickets have been passed out this year but we are strongly encouraging extended family members to come to the morning concerts. Seating will be at a premium in the evening. Here is concert schedule once again. Tuesday, Dec 11 (10:30am/6:30pm) 4-6 Strings TSES Choir 3 Siscoe 3/4 Barkhouse 4 Huskilson 4/5 Finch 5 Penny 5 Wile/Hasler 6 Burchell 6 O'Neil Wednesday, Dec 12 (10:30am/6:30pm) Grade 6 Band 3 Fisher 3 Campbell 4 Meisner 4 Daigle-Gouthro 4/5 Ledroit 5 Connolly/O'Neil 5/6 Pearson 5/6 Cross 6 Piercey